The grinberg Method
Created in the 80s by Israeli Avi Grinberg, it presents itself as a methodology that looks at your person as a whole, identifying the challenges you are facing in life and supporting your individual development potential.
It uses numerous and different techniques of touch, breathing and movement to increase and train attention to the body, a necessary basis for a process of psycho-physical rebalancing. Through work on the body the Grinberg® Method
Develops awareness and attention to calm the mind and regain wellness.
Face pain and fear directly and teach them how to turn them into resources.
It allows you to recover innate qualities and put them at the service of change.

The body work developed by the Grinberg methodology aims to teach you how you create and how you can stop what limits you in life, from physical pain to emotional distress, and regain strength, energy and greater personal freedom.
We teach to awaken individual potential through the body
The body work developed by the Grinberg methodology aims to teach you how you create and how you can stop what limits you in life, from physical pain to emotional distress, and regain strength, energy and greater personal freedom.
If limited by a symptom, stress or trauma, the body ceases to be a comfortable place to live in, it gives you the feeling of not being at home, of being uncomfortable and, over time, of not being able to change that state.
As a result, even the experience of life narrows. The memory of your story is in fact written in the body: the scars, the automatic and constant tensions, the blocks you have created in response to intense situations. Connected to your life, these unsolved blocks make you repeat the same story and you end up feeling like walking in a circle.